Posts tagged direct mail Boston
Summer is Approaching--Time to Fill Seats by the Campfire!

If you’re a camp admissions director looking to attract fresh faces to your program, you’re in luck! CITYMAIL offers an all-in-one comprehensive direct mail marketing service! And think of this—getting just one successful camp admission based off your direct mail piece, could cover the cost of the whole mailing!

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Why Direct Mail is the Most Successful Political Campaign Marketing Method

Voters report that direct mail is the most effective tool in helping them decide their vote. Surprised? Well, it makes a lot of sense when you think about how direct mail stands out from other methods in longevity and tangibility.

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'Tis the Season for Giving: 6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Fundraising Appeals

The season of giving is upon us. It’s the perfect time for your nonprofit organization to think about direct mail fundraising appeals!

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