Will These Seats Be Filled By September? That's A Good Question...

We have been busy at the drawing board and hustling about gearing up for the start of school. That’s right folks: the 2019 school year is right around the corner and you know what that means? Schools are looking to increase enrollment. What a better way to do this than a direct mail postcard campaign.

We thought long and hard about how we wanted to go about this and then our President, Jack Zaccardi, asked a simple question: “Will these seats be filled by September?” Needless to say, he hit the nail on the head… We knew exactly the type of card we wanted to design. See Below:

We didn’t want to go overboard with the design even though we could have. We wanted it to appeal in a simplistic manner so we went with the single photo for the front and the simple question: “Will These Seats Be Filled By September?” The backside of the card (the address panel) was also simplified giving the school a detailed understanding of what we do. Once the artwork was finalized we sent it off to production to print in-house and got ourselves a mailing list of Charter Schools and Private Schools across the United States. We did our first campaign and 1 week later we got a call from Glendale, Arizona. Deer Valley Academy Charter loved our postcard and wanted to do a similar mailing.

Turns out they wanted to send out a “Increase Enrollment Postcard” to 35,000 recipients in the Phoenix area. Just comes to show that mailing is kind of like the lottery. Sometimes you miss and sometimes you hit it right. They wanted to target specific households with children of a certain age. We obtained this information for them and scheduled the mailing to drop on a specific day in Arizona. Success. This was the first school to reach out to us.

Vice President, Guy Zaccardi, releasing a custom designed postcard for Discovery Charter-Durham, NC into the mail.

Vice President, Guy Zaccardi, releasing a custom designed postcard for Discovery Charter-Durham, NC into the mail.

Calls began to pour in and charter schools had the direct mail marketing bug. Schools from across the US wanted Citymail to design, print and mail custom postcards to try and increase enrollment. Schools from North Carolina, Chicago, Arizona, Florida, Virginia and Washington all loved our marketing piece and wanted to do the same. This is when you realize that direct mail marketing is still a sure-fire way to market your message. Printed matter with a clear cut message will always get the point across. Since our first campaign we have done 3 other mailings and it has worked flawlessly! Toni Shellady of Discovery Charter-Durham down in North Carolina had the following to say:

I was just going through my “to do” lists and found a note to e-introduce you to Guy Zaccardi with CityMail who did Discovery’s recent direct mailer. Guy orchestrated a beautifully designed mailer to go to 4900 families within 10 miles of our school with students ages 10-12. We had a parent info session this past Monday night and several parents showed up with the mailer in hand so I know they went to the right families.
— Toni Shellady, Discovery Charter-Durham - North Carolina

We have been assisting educational facilities and charter schools for the past 30 years and it is one of our favorite parts of our line of work. Being a part of the movement is what we take pride in. We look forward to servicing future schools and organizations. Does your school have an upcoming campaign that you need assistance with? Give us a call or shoot us a message - We would love to help.

Below you can find some photos of some other postcards and schools we worked with.